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With Robert Pattinson (“Twilight”) set to play Batman in the next film in the franchise, I thought I would take…
There are many movies out there that try to copy existing material. Here are some truly shameless examples. Mac And…
With different cultures come different values and different tastes. It’s therefore unsurprising that some countries condemned and even banned some…
Sequels can offer us more of what we want and take franchises in new and exciting directions. However, they can…
While the Nazis are routinely viewed as easily one of the most despicable groups in human history, there is no…
There are plenty of great films to watch on a first date but please, stay away from these ones if…
There are so many shark films out there that it’s just quite frankly ridiculous. Most people already know of the…
“Donnie Darko” is a movie with an interesting history. It initially struggled to make its budget back at the box-office.…
There are so pretty big movies out there that where a lot of money went into them yet the special…
It’s no secret that there are many movie franchises out there with more sequels than the masses really need. Here…

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