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Film Reviews

Reviews for films that were released theatrically (including a limited theatrical release)

“Scream” is an interesting movie as it manages to both celebrate and ridicule the slasher genre. It works as both…
The third entry in the “Scream” series undoubtedly feels a lot more on the comedic side than the earlier movies.…
The first “Scream” movie was a surprisingly good horror flick that managed to mix the scares with a healthy dose…
“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” is an awkward film that is a disjointed onslaught of mismatched concepts for films with…
How can people ever make movies as bad as this? I like the cartoon series but this is a movie…
“Orgy of the Dead” is a surreal experience. It’s not really much of a film, it’s more like what I…
“Scoob!” is a reasonably charming new take on the “Scooby-Doo” franchise. It interestingly opens up the door for a wider…
“Schlock” is a spoof 50s monster films and ape movies that is also the first picture directed by John Landis…
“Scenes From A Mall” is one of the few films to star Woody Allen (“Manhattan”, “Annie Hall”) but without him…
“Horror Of Dracula” (also known as just “Dracula”) is a 1958 British movie that is the first in the long…

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