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Kill List - 1/2 star

“Kill List” is as ridiculous as it is dull; it is as poorly made as they come. This movie is very unlikely to impress many people but it is very strange and very awkward.

Jay (Neil Maskell) and Gal (Michael Smiley “The World’s End”) are two hitmen that accept a new job. They are tasked with killing three individuals: a priest, a librarian and a MP. The job starts off like any other job but soon things becoming increasingly complicated. The final act comes with a big twist that will likely disappoint any viewers that were enjoying the film up until that point.

The characters in “Kill List” are absolutely terrible. Jay is arguably the worst hitman I’ve ever seen in a movie as he completely fails to keep a low profile. His mistakes include making a disgruntled phone call about not wanting to draw attention to himself while in earshot of a hotel reception desk and he even has a massive rant at a group of Christians in a restaurant. Gal is very boring. The two have virtually no chemistry. The dialog in the movie is terrible and the acting sometimes makes it difficult to even hear what the actors are saying.

“Kill List” is a very slow movie as we spend a painful amount of time before Jay and Gal even embark on their mission. The scenes where they take out their targets are unnecessarily bloody and then comes the third act, which is the most exciting act and contains an intriguing twist but it fails to improve the characters or anything like that. This is a movie that is so unconventional that it will only appeal to a fringe market but I think that the film is so technically bad (bad acting, bad cinematography etc… ) that pretty much everybody is going to be left alienated by this movie.