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Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas - 2 1/2 stars

Allegedly one of the worst films ever made according to various popular film review websites, “Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas” may have worked well as a special on tv but some scenes feel completely tacked on just to get this film to barely cross the finish line of feature-length runtime.

In this film, a popular evangelical Christian by the name of Kirk Cameron (“Like Father Like Son”) plays himself as he turns back the tide on the ‘War On Christmas’. After his brother-in-law goes outside after becoming unhappy with a Christmas party so Kirk joins him and tells him how Christmas is neither too commercialised nor is it wrong to try and celebrate the religious aspects of the event. I suppose he therefore ‘saves Christmas’.

Kirk Cameron is alright but I don’t think he is anything special. I didn’t really care for the brother-in-law. The interaction between the two is okay but nothing great. A few of the other characters are a little bit annoying and there really isn’t a lot to say about the characters in this film. So much of the film is just Kirk talking and you feel more like you’ve bought yourself a Kirk Cameron audiobook than anything else at times.

“Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas” features some good messages and I think many will want to hear its reassuring words about Christmas as Christians continue to feel pressured by claims from the orthodox that it too commercialised and claims from others saying that we need to remove the religious aspects of the holiday. It’s not as horrible as it’s made out to be and I think the film received such low ratings due to an internet smear campaign. Sure the scenes near the end with the dancing, which feel entirely pointless, ruin the picture overall but even so, it’s not that bad.