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I, Frankenstein - 1/2 star

“I, Frankenstein” is easily the worst film featuring Frankenstein’s Monster I ever seen. It has virtually nothing in common with any other version of the character. It has basically the same plot as “Blade” and “Underworld” where a secretive war is waged by supernatural beings so there is nothing original here and nothing enjoyable.

In “I, Frankenstein”, Frankenstein’s Monster (Aaron Eckhart “The Dark Knight”, “Thank You For Smoking”) finds himself at the heart of a centuries old battle between gargoyles and demons. The demonic forces are hoping to duplicate Frankenstein’s experiment and create an army of super soldiers so that they can conquer the world and enslave humanity.

For most of the movie, Frankenstein’s Monster is referred to as ‘Adam’. He also looks nothing like any other version of the character. Instead of looking like a freakish creature stitched together from various people’s body parts, he just looks like a regular guy with a few stitches after a minor accident. I hated this version of the Monster. The other characters are terrible too. We get awful performances from Bill Nighy (“Love Actually”) and Jai Courtney (“Suicide Squad”). The gargoyles and demons look really generic. A lot of the dialog is just awkward.

“I, Frankenstein” has underwhelming special effects, appalling writing, an unoriginal premise, bad acting, forgettable action scenes and the worst depiction of Frankenstein’s Monster I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. I could maybe get over how they messed up the Monster character if the rest of the film was not so atrocious. I’m just tired of seeing this underground battle between different creatures. I sat through “Blade”, “Underworld”, the Hugh Jackman “Van Helsing” and “Twilight” so I’ve seen it done to death at this point. Bill Nighy was even in “Underworld” so “I, Frankenstein” just blends into the crowd.