“Batman Beyond” was a great animated series from DC. It managed to capture a lot of what made “Batman: The Animated Series” so enjoyable while giving it an engaging futuristic aesthetic. While the show did make use of some traditional Batman villains such as Joker and Ra’s al Ghul, it also introduced some new villains. Here’s a list of my personal favourites.
- Terrific Trio
2-D Man, Freon and Magma are the Terrific Trio. They are clearly meant to be modelled on the Fantastic Four as they start off as heroes. Unfortunately, they become emotionally destroyed and lash out rather violently. Only Batman Beyond can defeat them.
- Inque
While some may dismiss her as just a female version of Clayface, Inque has some real personality. She’s seductive yet deadly. While she’s shapeshifting around, there’s no ignoring her femininity in her design. The creators did a really good job making sure she looked and acted in ways that helped to distinguish her from Clayface and other shapeshifting villains from comics.
- Shriek
Shriek uses soundwave manipulation; this makes him a pretty unique villain. The fight scene where he manages to stop all the sound inside a factory is very creative. His futuristic suit also looks great too.
- Spellbinder
A villain that is somewhat similar to Scarecrow. He creates false realities for people to get lost in through use of technology. His abilities allow for some really creative sequences where Batman Beyond struggles to distinguish between real threats and those that are just pure fantasy.
- Blight
Derek Powers was basically an evil businessman like Lex Luthor. His exposure to chemicals makes him even more dangerous as ‘Blight’. He gains deadly radiation powers that make him a formidable foe to fight. His glowing green skeleton makes him easily the most iconic of the new villains introduced in “Batman Beyond”. The way Derek Powers pulls the strings of the events in the early episodes is great. It’s just a shame that he didn’t appear after the first season.
Honourable mentions: