“Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus” is the first in the “Mega Shark” series. I previously saw “Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark” and while it wasn’t exactly good, I found it a lot more tolerable than this one. This movie should be a lot more exciting an interesting than it is. As it stands, it’s really unremarkable.
A huge shark and a large octopus are awoken from their prehistoric slumber in ice. They are now terrorising the Pacific Ocean. Conventional weapons seem to be no match for these vicious beasts. Scientists realise that the only way to stop them is to get them to battle each other. Get ready for the ultimate showdown between shark and octopus.
The focus of a film titled “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus” should be on the shark and the octopus. However, I felt like we barely got to see the creatures. We seem to spend so much time with a bunch of boring humans. The acting in here is so atrocious that I had a hard time enduring the human characters. The special effects on the giant monsters are not very impressive. They could not look much more synthetic. It’s a shame as they look okay on the poster.
There is one brilliant moment in here. Early on, Mega Shark leaps out of the ocean and destroys a plane. The rest of the film is a real chore to sit through. It’s not surprising this is a bad flick though because it’s from production company The Asylum. It’s not the worst film they have churned out but it’s still rather lousy. It’s also not the worst shark film out there. Basically, you can do worse but that’s about the best I can say about this movie aside from that one glorious scene with the plane being munched on by a shark.