“Fahrenheit 9/11” is an intriguing documentary about the conspiracy theories surrounding the presidency of George W. Bush but there are huge problems: George W. Bush is not highly intelligent man like this movie portrays and also there a few scenes that just seem a little too convenient.
“Fahrenheit 9/11” is partially about 9/11 but most of it focuses on George W. Bush’s push for the war in Iraq so why this film couldn’t have been called something like “Fahrenheit Iraq” is something I’m not sure about. The structure is off and that’s what ruins a lot of it.
When I say there are some scenes that are a little too perfect, I mean the material of soldiers used and the footage of a woman breaking down outside the White House just seems as if it was used to show an extreme minority rather than the generalised majority. Director and narrator Michael Moore (“Sicko”) is dull to listen to. Some of the people interviewed say some very interesting things and the hilarious archive footage of George W. Bush’s terminology just had me laughing every time but this is one of the reasons why I don’t think he’s too smart, in fact the footage and some details convinced me he’s even less intelligent than I thought he was; I guess you can say I ‘misunderestimated’ Mr. Bush.
“Fahrenheit 9/11” has some great moments but anything I’ve seen about George W. Bush pre-presidency, during presidency and post-presidency makes me believe he isn’t the brightest spark and this movie shows you enough to make sure you can see that so why on Earth does it then claim he’s smart enough to have effectively masterminded tons of schemes. It’s got its moments to be sure but it’s very biased and that’s why I don’t think “Fahrenheit 9/11” quite works.