“Howard The Duck” is a new kind of disappointment in a movie shockingly produced by George Lucas, the creator of “Star Wars”, about a Marvel superhero.
In “Howard The Duck”, we start off with several duck versions of common 80s household things such as an issue of “Playduck” instead of “Playboy” and a poster for “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with a duck replacing Harrison Ford. We then meet the cynical Howard T. Duck (voiced by Chip Zien “All My Children”), who finds himself mysteriously transported to Earth where he meets the mediocre rock singer Beverly (Lea Thompson “Back to the Future”) and makes himself a new friend but then a strange creature has come down to Earth and it’s up to Howard to save the world from this new menace.
Howard is an incredibly unentertaining character and the gimmick of having a humanoid duck doesn’t even work at all. He’s not cute and he’s an incredibly poor superhero or hero. Howard’s friends are incredibly dull too. None of them are interesting in the slightest as not even Jeffery Jones (“Beetlejuice”) can save the day. Everyone else in the movie is exceedingly awful as well.
“Howard The Duck” is the worst kind of bad. Nothing about it makes any sense and none of it is pleasant. All the characters are poor, the script is beyond bad, the acting is terrible and the plot is stupid. George Lucas should be ashamed at the horrific mess. The concept of “Howard The Duck” is fun but I absolutely hate the fact that constantly we see people try and kill him or vice versa. The humour is disgusting for a kids’ movie as no kid wants to look at the fact that a humanoid duck keeps a condom in his wallet. I didn’t enjoy “Howard The Duck” and it’s arguably one of the worst movies if not the worst I’ve seen and I believe anyone with a brain will hate this movie also.