“An Inconvenient Truth” is a bold documentary about arguably the most pressing issue facing the entire planet. Since its release, some of its predictions have come true. It’s not really a film in the conventional sense, it’s a lecture or a presentation but it’s as gripping as any thriller out there and as educational as any historical epic.
Politician Al Gore gives a presentation about the destructive forces of climate change. We see him touring the world from America to Europe to Asia in his quest to raise awareness of the issue and show how the true threat that we countless millions could face within a lifetime if significant changes are not made.
I’m not particularly familiar with Al Gore’s policies in the United States but I admire his expertise when it comes to environmental science and it’s important to note that he was also instrumental in the development of the internet. I feared that he would act as a sort of arrogant saviour (like so many celebrities) but here, he is likeable and informative. He’s not trying to move you to tears or applause, he’s trying to teach you something important. He never gets too technical as he talks about issues ranging from pollution to disease to the fossil fuel lobby.
“An Inconvenient Truth” is a perfectly accessible film about climate change. This is not some radical leftist nonsense with loud noises and no substance, this is intelligent communication. It’s hard to compare this to other movies (even other documentaries) but Al Gore has created something powerful here. This is a movie that needs to be seen by the masses and especially by those in power across our world. Gore was ridiculed for his work here in a great episode of “South Park” but even that show later acknowledged that he was right all along.