“Lilo & Stitch” is a delightful animated movie from the creators of such classics as “Cinderella”, “Bambi” and so many others Disney. The movie brings together the premise of a family movie with a thrilling sci-fi experience.
In “Lilo & Stitch”, Lilo (Daveigh Chase “S. Darko”) is a little girl who lives with her sister Nani (Tia Carrere “True Lies”) after their parents have died. The two are always arguing as they have a very strained relationship. Lilo gets to buy a dog but it turns out that her dog, Stitch (Chris Sanders), is actually an intergalactic alien experiment with superpowers.
The chemistry between Lilo and Stitch is just simply great. Despite the fact Stitch is destructive Lilo finds the better part of him and loves him like a brother. Lilo is a great character as she isn’t too prim and proper or anything like as she’s normal, which as much as that works in other films by Disney it wouldn’t have in this one. Nani is an okay character. Ving Rhames (“Pulp Fiction”) stars as Mr. Bubbles the social worker and ex-government agent (a bit like in “Men In Black”). The character is quite entertaining. The rest of the characters are okay.
“Lilo & Stitch” is almost certainly a good film as the humans feel realistic and the sci-fi action will no doubt entertain children. Although not one of Disney’s finest movies, it still offers a lot of fun and features lots of enjoyable moments. If you have a young child, who likes movies such as “Aladdin”, “Pinocchio” and “The Lion King”, what are you waiting for? Maybe you’re an adult who adored Disney as a kid and wants to fall in love with their work all over again then “Lilo & Stitch” will definitely suit you. Also I love the references to old monster movies including “Tarantula”.