You may have heard of “Napoleon Dynamite”, some people think it is a hysterical film while others are left confused by it. I’m certainly in the latter category. It’s a weird, uneventful and unpleasant film that feels as if it wants to be the next “The Big Lebowski” but it never quite makes it.
“Napoleon Dynamite” tells the tale of a bizarre teen named Napoleon Dynamite (John Heder “Blades Of Glory”). Napoleon doesn’t really do much and nobody else around him does much. He quickly moves from one scene to another without anything really happening, watching him get something thrown at his face is probably the most stimulating thing you’ll see in the entire picture.
Napoleon Dynamite delivers lines such as ‘This is pretty much the worst video ever’ and I am not far off agreeing with him. The character is a nothingness. He is sort of like a Beavis and Butt-Head in terms of the way his voice sounds and in terms of the antisocial atmosphere he creates. The other characters are equally disappointing, they’re only more tolerable because we spend less time with them. Everybody in the film has a tendency to just sit there and stare and this is often during interactions with one another, the awkwardness becomes unbearable.
“Napoleon Dynamite” feels almost like a sketch film at times but very often, the setups are weak and the punchlines are non-existent. I don’t know why a film such as “The Big Lebowski” kept me entertained and “Napoleon Dynamite” did not but you can feel the difference, at least I think so. There was something about “The Big Lebowski” that made it work and something about “Napoleon Dynamite” that made it fall apart. I did not enjoy “Napoleon Dynamite” but maybe you will because the divide is huge. I think it’s weird how some films can unite and split us and “Napoleon Dynamite” is weird regardless.