“Robot Chicken: Star Wars” is the first tv special from the “Robot Chicken” sketch series. The show is known for its crude gags involving characters from beloved properties. This special obviously focuses exclusively on “Star Wars”.
Here we have a series of sketches spoofing the “Star Wars” franchise including both the original trilogy as well as the prequels. Prepare to see the characters of “Star Wars” like you’ve never seen them before. Get ready for Admiral Ackbar promoting a breakfast cereal, Emperor Palpatine trying to deal with some construction workers, the body of Darth Maul being cleared away by a caretaker and much more.
This special manages to incorporate a lot of characters from the franchise. Expect to see the big names such as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. However, we also get some of the lesser known characters such as Boba Fett and Max Rebo so “Star Wars” fans will like that. George Lucas (“Star Wars”) also voices himself in one of the better sketches. My favourite sketch actually involves George W. Bush. The “Robot Chicken” Nerd of course features. However, most of the characters are not actually very funny and that’s a real shame. I am still impressed by the animation with the action figures. It’s a great style that helps set “Robot Chicken” apart from many other animated shows.
“Robot Chicken: Star Wars” definitely has some genuinely funny moments but a lot of the sketches fall flat. Some of them only last mere seconds so you barely get used to what’s going on before it switches to something completely different. The writing is just not good enough to keep you entertained throughout with so many gags failing to impress. Fans of “Star Wars” may get a chuckle here and there but it’s not the spoof you’re looking for. Try “Spaceballs” instead.