“Robot Chicken” is a somewhat popular animated sketch show that makes use of action figures. It’s gathered quite a reputation for its disgusting humour using characters from films, cartoons and comics as well as celebrities.
A mad scientist resurrects a dead chicken with the use of robotic parts and now subjects the chicken to watching a variety of crazy sketches. The skits include parodies of films, tv adverts, American politics, children’s cartoon shows such as “Transformers”, “Inspector Gadget” and videogames such as “Sonic The Hedgehog” and “Mortal Kombat”. Get ready to see some really violent and vulgar antics with some of your favourite fictional characters.
The whole gimmick of “Robot Chicken” is that you get to see innocent characters such as Scooby-Doo, Harry Potter or Superman in sketches filled with gore and sexual content. This is not a show for kids because you’ll see depraved sights such as Fred Flintstone getting a colonoscopy and Captain Kirk getting his privates jammed in a door. There are some original characters such as the “Robot Chicken” Nerd. Many of the characters are voiced by series creator Seth Green (“Family Guy”). I think that the animation with the figures certainly has a charm to it.
“Robot Chicken” does have some hilarious moments but so much of it just seems vulgar for no real reason. Some of the material is so disgusting that you simply cannot unsee it. I don’t know about other people but it’s going to be hard to look at the Transformers or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the same way after seeing their appearances in “Robot Chicken”. Some of the skits also don’t really go anywhere and it becomes quite frustrating at times. I admire the animation and I think it’s clear that the makers have a terrific understanding of pop culture but it just isn’t as funny as it could be.